1. 土木工程论文摘要 谢谢各位了 明天交啊 分都给你了
The graation project is the subject of Changchun City high-rise residential area competent family, frame - shear wall structure, the main 19-storey building total height of 57.6m.
Construction design includes: a list of projects in terms of Quantity Price (Business Standard), standard construction techniques, construction schele and construction plan preparation.
Quantities calculated include earthworks, steel works, doors and windows works, concrete works and other parts. Quantity Pricing calculated counting all the items in the list. Some of the major construction organization design including major construction programs, construction technology, quality assurance measures, civilized construction measures, construction of measures, such as the rainy season.
To sum up, graated from the College of Design has been issued in accordance with the design of the graation requirements of the book, completed a graate of the mission design.
Key words : Frame - shear wall structure
Quantity pricing
Construction Design
2. 土木工程毕业设计摘要翻译
3. 土木工程毕业设计目录及摘要
4. 三层住宅楼砖混施工组织设计毕业论文摘要
5. 土木工程毕业设计公寓楼选题报告怎么写
六层框架结构公寓住宅楼工程设计(含建筑图,结构图) [建筑结构] 12-14 六层框架结构公寓住宅楼工程设计(含建筑图,结构图)(选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,外文翻译,中期检查报告,计算书20000字,实习报告,17张图纸) 毕业设计说明书中文摘要 本设计主要讲述了淮安奥体国际星城8#住宅楼建筑结构设计的设计过程,它为钢筋混凝土框架结构 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/4926.html十层现浇框架—剪力墙结构高层豪华公寓设计 [建筑结构] 05-18 摘要 本设计为10层现浇框架剪力墙结构高层公寓,总建筑面积约5850 ,主体结构高度约31.2m。地处7度抗震设防区域,场地土类为2类。结构设计是本设计的重点。本设计的计算内容主要有:建筑设计方面(包括剪力墙、楼梯、电梯井等的布置),按照有关规范,进行平 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/4198.html六层砖混结构学生公寓设计 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 本设计为六层砖混结构体系。建筑面积为5140m2。所设计的部分宽度为13.8m,长度为59.4m。建筑方案确定,底层高为3.75m,以上层层高为3.3m,室内外高差为0.45m。设计内容包括:计算方案确定,选择材料类型、规格及结构尺寸,荷载组合及内力计算,高厚比 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/2932.html六层框架学生公寓毕业设计 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 本结构为六层框架学生公寓,占地810m2,建筑面积4860m2。采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构,设计使用年限为50年。结构安全等级为二级。建筑抗震设防分类为丙类,抗震设计防烈度为7度,设计地震分组为第一组,框架的抗震等级为三级。室内设计标高为±0.00,室 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/2941.html七层框架填充墙大学公寓毕业设计 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 本工程为某大学学生公寓。建筑高度为25.650m,总建筑面积2866㎡。本建筑物防火等级二级,抗震设防烈度6度。本工程结构设计采用框架结构,结构计算按横向框架承重分析。内力计算考虑以下三种荷载作用,即水平地震荷载作用下的内力,竖向恒载作用下的 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/2908.html五层学生公寓毕业设计 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 本设计为某一五层学生公寓的设计,主要包括建筑设计和结构设计两个部分。该公寓高18.9m,总建筑面积为2866m2,耐火等级为二级,抗震设防烈度为6度。建筑设计的内容包括平面、立面及剖面设计。结构设计包括框架设计、构件设计和基础设计等。其中,框 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/2909.html青岛市某钢结构公寓毕业设计 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 本设计为青岛理工大学的优秀毕业设计,青岛理工大学的建筑为重点学科。青岛开发区青年公寓,主要为工作不久的青年所设计的。该建筑位于青岛市青岛开发区长江路以北,建筑长49米,宽16米。结构形式为钢框架组合楼板结构,整个设计主要由建筑、结构两 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/2882.html某中学六层学生公寓毕业设计 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 该建筑物是位于武汉的一栋多层框架学生公寓。根据提供的地形图和及功能要求的规定,进行建筑设计。它的占地面积约879m2,建筑面积约7244 m2。建筑物最高高度为22.8m。此建筑物采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,场地为Ⅱ类,粗糙度为B类,耐火等级为二级。其 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/2893.html六层框架某中学学生公寓楼 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 建筑类型:六层某中学学生公寓楼,现浇框架填充墙结构。建筑介绍:建筑面积约4000平方米,楼盖及屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,楼板厚度取120mm,填充墙采用蒸压粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块。门窗使用:大门采用钢门,其它为木门,门洞尺寸为0.9m×2 ...
http://www.56doc.com/civil/construction/2900.html某12层现浇剪力墙结构高层公寓住宅毕业设计【优秀】 [建筑结构] 09-12 内容简介 本设计为12层现浇剪力墙结构高层公寓,总建筑面积约532155 ,主体结构高度约354m。地处7度抗震设防区域,场地土类为2类。设有一层地下室,地面以上为12层住宅,其中11、12层为复式住宅,地下室标高为-3000m,一层平面标高为±0000 m,其余标准层曾 ...
6. 求土木工程毕业设计摘要翻译
This works on the floor of a residential building structure, foundation design, and residential building near the slope design. Throughout the design process, and strictly follow the requirements of relevant professional norms, and reference information about the latest national standards on all aspects of the design of a comprehensive scientific considerations.
The upper part of this project for the five-story frame structure of residential buildings, using PKPM software design and drawing; form the basis of slab raft foundation, and based on analysis checking, focusing on the foundation beam, plate internal forces and the reinforcement calculation. The basic calculation method using the floor as the main hand calculation method, in PKPM software to analyze the reinforcement drawings. Slope gravity retaining wall support method, has been focused on the size and strength of the material and design of retaining walls, and its stability analysis and checking work. Concluded the graate design experience.
Keywords: frame structure; slab raft foundation; gravity retaining wall
7. 求土木工程毕业设计摘要翻译 在线等,求帮忙啊!!
Discusses the design of the main office building of Tianjin Jing Yan, building structure design process, first of all, the architectural design, including the study of architectural space and the physical form of buildings of architectural space research capabilities by building plane Analysis, to use part of the building, part of the surface transportation links portfolio design, and then mix and size of the building facade, the design section. Then according to the conditions of construction land, consider building classification, building layout in the general plane.
Architectural design is complete, select the structural system based on building type, structural components based on previous experience preliminary estimates, to determine the calculation diagram, the value obtained on behalf of gravity load, linear stiffness and other data, thereby checking the role of earthquake and wind loads on Proced by housing layer displacement. Vertical load calculated according to the internal forces of beams and columns, and the combination of these internal forces, and then the beam and column section design, final design is based on calculation and design and calculation of the stairs. After the design was checking with PKPM software to analyze results, and these results were checked.
Key words: Reinforced concrete structure; The level of seismic; Internal force combination; Beam and Column design;
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9. 土木工程房屋建筑的毕业设计怎么做呢
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