㈠ 房产公司如何选择地块的呢
㈡ 如何选择房地产开发项目
根据公司房地产营销战略,能独立完成市场调研、项目评估、项目定位建议、营销企划等项目研究报告的编写;在项目市场定位的基础上制定和实施项目整体销售计划;.组织项目的整体营销策划、销售工作计划及阶段性营销推广计划;负责项目操盘过程中,整体营销策划方向的把握工作;及时准确的将营销策划方案传递销售经理并配合实施。 任职要求: 1、房地产、营销、建筑、管理等相关专业本科或以上学历;
㈢ 如何选择房地产开发用地
㈣ 房产中介公司的地理位置如何选择
㈤ 房地产企业如何选择土地
㈥ 你好,打算去房地产公司工作,请问如何选择都是通过哪些方面来看某个公司行不行谢谢。
㈦ 如何选购最佳房地产
每个人都需要一个家,一间多全其美的房屋,拥有属于自已的空间,带给你无限的温馨和喜悦,让你享受家庭生活中的乐趣,是一种幸福和睦家庭的象征,这是一般人所渴望的美丽梦想。 然而,有些人一生中也许只有能力购置一间房屋,购屋者的金钱都是用血、泪、汗换回来的,选购房屋对他们而言是何等的重要。尽管,曾经购买过房屋的人,无意中也陷入购置或投资房地产的错误,例如:延迟交屋、货不对办、房屋漏水、公寓失修,产业工程搁置计划、发展商清盘,品管素质、管理水平、安全居住及投诉无门等问题。无论是用于自住、招租、转售或投资用途,购屋者都必需谨慎看待购屋问题,勿因个人一时忽略,让自己犯下购置产业的错误,而承担日后不必要的麻烦,购屋者应该不斷的學習,提升个人房地产知识和掌握其投资窍门,务必要把房地产的错误机率降到最低点,甚至是零机率,以避免成为下一个受害者。 在购置房屋或投资房地产之前,购屋者可以通过房地产指南、房地产信息网、房地产部落格、房地产论坛、房地产聊天室、房地产网志及房地产网页、这些房地产网站针对买屋、卖屋、租屋,进行房地产投资深入分析,房地产市场动态,房屋买卖估计和产业交易价格,为购屋者提供了许多房地产宝贵的资讯。以下是房地产电子书所提供的内容目录、问题与答案供作参考。投资房地产的好处、房地产种类、购买房地产的秘诀购屋避免的事项、拍卖会的秘诀、拍卖会的好处招租须知、租户服务、租金管理租约管理、维修管理、产业管理免费附送资料-如何成为精明的租户免费附送资料-房地产经纪人的秘诀问题与答案 那一种是最佳的房地产投资选择?那一种是最佳的房地产投资选择?那一种是最佳的房地产投资选择?那一种是最佳居住和投资房地产单位?那里是最佳的房地产投资地区?如何决定房地产的价格?什么会影响房地产的价格?为什么房地产会升值?渡家屋值得投资吗?值得投资购物广场的商业单位吗?国外房地产值得投资吗?什么时候该把房屋再融资?如何寻找积极的卖主?购买建竣房屋的好处?购置共管公寓的利与弊?购置有地房产的利与弊?如何选择一流的房屋发展商?可否在房地产展销会订购房屋?在房地产拍卖会竞标房屋单位是否有一定的风险?应该购买一间价值200万的房屋或购买四间价值50万的房屋作为投资用途?在同一个发展地段,是否适合购置几间房屋单位?为何不宜购置乡下的房地产作为投资?为何不宜购置太旧的房地产?为何不宜购置太靠近学校、购物中心、商业广场等地点的房地产?为何不宜购置旁边拥有空地的房地产?为何避免购置普通公寓顶楼的单位?为何避免购置底楼廉价的公寓单位?购置公寓,什么地方是应该注意的?该提供家具设备齐全的房屋给租户吗?如何处理租户在预期前搬迁该房屋?可否动用抵押金作为最后一个月的租金?什么时候投资房地产最好?为什么投资房地产会失败?购置房屋需顾及那么多的因素,该如何开始?对于一位房地产投资新手,该如何开始? 房地产电子书的特点物超所值重点浓缩免费附送资料-房地产经纪人的秘诀免费附送资料-如何成为精明的组户提供六十巴仙的折扣率采用国际著名安全在线付款系统原价:美金三十元,折扣六十巴仙特价:美金十二元(中文版PDF FORMAT二十一页) 关于作者 嗨!各位网友大家好,我是JESS HO,来自马来西亚,吉隆坡首都,房地产高档产业经纪人,专业处理国际海外投资者在马来西亚进行产业投资买卖事务,依据产业市场走势,提供业主及买家所需的产业动态。 为何要编写这份房地产电子书? 在日常生活中,时常都会听闻到一些房地产的相关报导,如房地产工程搁置,房屋货不对办,延迟交屋,公寓失修,管理费起价及一般购屋者和投资者所面对的问题,那些不幸的遭遇,实在令人感到难过和无奈,因此,激发了我编写这份房地产电子书,希望藉着自己在房地产的知识和实际经验,提供一份房地产相关资料与大家一起分享,以避免更多的人陷入房地产种种的困境。 这份房地产电子书有何特点? 这份房地产资料,主要不以一般房地产论文、哲学及理论性的方式呈献,为了让读者体验阅读的乐趣,我把房地产资料的精髓浓缩为重点,提供问题和答案,列出所有的实际重点和避免事项,并给予建议方案,为各位读者节省了在时间、精神和金钱上的耗费。编写这份房地产电子书的心路历程? 筹备编写这份房地产资料期间,我把这份房地产的初稿随放在我的公事包里,到过了许多不同的地点,每当灵感一来,就执笔书写,在后期制作时,我运用了手提电脑到咖啡座、酒店、购物广场、办公室、书房,处理文稿校对,文字删减和编写的工作,在不同的环境气氛写稿,对于自己的思路心情和灵感激发,的确有不同的效果,编写期间心理总是想急着要把这份房地产电子书尽快完成,但是很多事情还是需要时间进行的,虽然那段生活是非常的忙碌和疲惫,但对我来说在整个过程中还是充满意义和喜悦的。用了多长时间来筹备这份房地产电子书?由于在资料整理,实地考察、打字排版、文字校对、设计编写、网页架构方面都亲力亲为,前后筹备约大半年的时间,希望读者会喜欢这份房地产作品。从那里获得房地产的知识和经验? 十年前,我对房地产已产生浓厚的兴趣,我喜欢研究房屋的美观设计、建筑构思、地理环境、材料品质、室内设计、家具摆放和庭院装璜,从报章、杂志、网络、书籍、特定专栏,阅读有关房地产的资讯,参与房屋展销会,发展商示范单位,携带顾客参观房屋单位,参与房地产检讨会,房地产讲座会,修读房地产投资和房地产经纪人专业课程,通过现场的互动学习和心得交流及从事经纪人的工作历练,一路来不断充实和学习,长年累月丰富了我房地产的生涯。 对这份房地产电子书有何期盼? 我希望每一位读者都能够在这份房地产电子书从中受益,把所学到的一切尽情发挥在房地产领域里,不但读者个人受用,甚至可以为家人、亲戚、朋友、同学、同事提供房地产的资讯,[购屋快乐、投资顺利、安心居住及幸福永远],是我推出这份房地产作品最大的心愿。为何使用PAYPAL在线付款系统? PAYPAL除了能够提供快速、简易、安全的付款系统,PAYPAL既是目前全球最大在线支付的提供商,可信度和公信力都非常的高,如果你认识EBAY,我想你也能够了解PAYPAL的来历和背景。我的租户耒自什么国家? 美国、英国、德国、荷兰、意大利、法国、挪威、澳洲、中国、日本、韩国、印尼、非律宾、印度、马来西亚、新加坡、泰国、非洲、苏联、迪拜、叙利亚、伊拉克、卡塔尔、黎巴嫩、埃及等等。我的业主耒自什么国家? 马来西亚、新加坡、香港、印尼、澳洲、英国及加拿大。我专注什么类型的房地产? 高级公管公寓、高级服务式公寓、有地半独立洋房及独立式洋房。我集中在那里的房地产市场? 马来西亚吉隆坡-吉隆坡城中城(KLCC)、满家乐(Mont Kiara)、 孟沙(Bangsar)、 及白沙罗高原(Damansara Heights) 。为何特别专注KLCC的产业市场? 当我还没有成为房地产代理员之前,我的旧公司位于KLCC地区,眼看着那一遍长满野草的土地,几经辗转,通过高档产业发展计划后,已建竣一栋栋令人目眩豪华的空中洋楼,这些具时代气息的高级公寓,座落于城中城黄金地带,每当单位成功交易的那一刻,都令我有很深的感触。每个月与顾客有多少次单位预约? 每星期至少三次预约,在经济繁荣产业市场旺盛时期,配含个人产业广告宣传效应,有时候每天的单位预约都会暴满,而隔每半小时都会安排买家和租户连续性的预约,在这紧密的时刻,我必须预先编排和熟记所有单位的资料。一般需要多长时间才能把单位出租? 似市场情况而定,曾经试过好几次租户联系了我,预约在第二天看房屋后,他们就已经做出了决策,然后第三天就搬进该单位,这些国外租客大部份都以现金交易为首,幸运的时候,也许会碰到两个案子在同一天执行,手里拿住好几万现金,第一时间赶快去银行汇款至业主。一般需要多长时间才能把单位出售? 曾经式过协助业主在三天内找到租户,接着又在一星期内顺利找到买家,无论如何我觉得时机和运气最重要,如果业主有运气,即使那栋房屋价格昂贵,在短期间都能够顺利出售,又或者有些情况,一些比市场价格偏底的房屋,也不知何故?迟迟都不能脱售,这与经验、学历、知识能力根本豪无关系。那里的租户让我印像深刻? 他耒自荷兰,为人正直性格开朗,总是希望把事情办得尽善尽美,他拥有四张学士文凭、两张硕士文凭及一张博士文凭,他是一位专业电机工程顾问,目前与本国某家大型国际企业公司拥有四年工作合约,我想那位耒自印尼的业主真的有福了,因为他所缴付的租金永远都比我想象中的快速,还记得上一回,业主为了处理某些事务,特地从香港转机到吉隆坡而让我身受感动。那里的业主让我印像深刻? 她耒自新加坡,为人地调处事谨慎,从事房地产投资工作,通过另一位业主介绍认识,我协助她在三个月内寻找到合适的租户和买家,只可惜在两次交易的过程中,我们始终无缘相聚,也许这辈子只能够擦肩而过,真得有点遗憾!从事房地产行业,什么事件令你最高兴? 与顾客成功达成交易,能够顺利收到订金的那一刻,我想。。。。那种感觉是非常喜悦的。从事房地产行业,什么事情令你最谁过? 拥有客源但却找不到合适的房屋单位,或因某些突发事故而被迫把整个交易取消,唉!。。。实在令人觉得可惜。除了马耒西亚,是否曾经到国外考察产业市场?曾到过新加坡、中国-广州、深圳、海南、珠海、澳门及香港考察,与马耒西亚相比之下,那里的地理坏境、交通系统、管理制度、房屋设计、示范单位、服务态度、生话品味、消费能力、特别是产业价格更有天渊之别。从事房地产行业,你有何心德?能够协助业主寻找到潜在租户和买家,并在整个交易过程中顺畅无阻。Miss Heng读者来自吉隆坡TestimonialMy family and I are so pleased to have stumbled across Jess ring our search for suitable living arrangements. She is extremely professional, and explained everything we needed to know in a very timely manner. When we had questions regarding our rental, Jess was very responsive, and ensured that any problems or issues were rectified as soon as possible. From beginning to end, she made our rental experience and visit to KL very positive! My daughter absolutely loves her, and Jess was kind enough to supply her with a going-away present at the end of our rental. We look forward to returning to KL in the future, and we'll certainly utilize Jess and her services again!William WallTenant from United StateHi Jess, This is just a short note to thank you for the swift attention you gave to me in my hunt for a home in KL. It was all a very pleasant experience for me, from the first viewing through to moving in. I couldn’t believe how quickly and smoothly you were able to make it happen, with my tenancy agreement in place and moving into the property all happening within 36 hours of me deciding which property to rent.Thanks for all of your assistance in helping me find a nice suitable place, close to where I wanted to be located. Thanks also for making this all happen so quickly, as it has allowed me to settle into my new job a lot quicker than I would otherwise have and it has also allowed me to avoid staying in a hotel for any length of time. I was very pleased with your service and would be more than happy to recommend you to any new colleagues or acquaintances I meet that might be looking for accommodation.Billy McLeanTenant from United KingdomHi Jess, I just wanted to thank you for your help in finding me the right place. After seeing several agents, you were the only one that understood my needs and didn't try and push me to take something I didn't need. I have and will continue to pass on your details to anyone that I know is looking for a new place to live as my experience with you has been friendly, flexible and professional, many thank.Raj ChawlaTenant from United KingdomWords are coming short to describe in a few sentences the deep kindness, timeless sacrifice and professional help I have received from Jess Ho, I arrived in Malaysia to start work and very soon realized that it is quite difficult as a foreigner to find quickly a new home. As I was referred from my work to various agents, and the many choices of apartments that were available, the only person within all realtors that understood my interests, was honest and took my needs seriously, was Jess Ho.Therefore I would like to thank her deeply. She was always available to show me units that would fit into my needs. I was very lucky and it has been of great pleasure to meet Jess Ho and experience her enthusiasm finding me the right place with the same efforts as she was searching for herself, working with me ring after a hours and making appointments even close to midnights and in weekends, even after she had found a suitable apartment for me, she was still trying to make me more happy and was continuing her search. Any time I meet a person that needs a new home, I will immediately refer them to Jess Ho to experience the same happiness she has provided me and to many others.Dr Riaz AlaiTenant from United StateDearest Jess, thank you for your kind assist us to find a great and warming apartment at KLCC area. The location is very convenience, near transportation, shopping mall and restaurant, just 10 minutes walking distance from an apartment to our office, we are really enjoy the environment around there. Before that, we had tried to research in website and newspaper. Unfortunately, we still not satisfied with the location and facilities until we met Jess Ho. My managing director is much appreciated on her prompt action of our requested, hope she can continuous assist us in the future.NNA (M) SDN BHDTenant from JapanJess is a bloody amazing agent who is very responsive, helpful, quick, and very easy to work with! Not only does she understand from what we are looking for and why, but also she takes the stress out of it for us! She took a personal interest in making sure we found a nice place we could be happy with! She fulfilled out requests to find a place in a rushed period of time when we were visiting Kuala Lumpur for the first time! She accurately found the right place that matched our preferences. Thank you, Jess for finding us a wonderful place in the center of KL and for making the whole search perfect for us!Rika & DoniTenant from TaiwanDear Jess, thank you for helping us in getting a very nice place to rent in KLCC area. With your best effort, we find a very comfortable place to stay. Again, thank you very much and we look forward to stay longer in Malaysia.Lucas R. Garcia Jr.Tenant from PhilippineHi Jess, I had a good experience dealing with Jess as she concted herself professionally. Plus, she was one of the few realtors that was easy to negotiate with, and provided straightforward and honest responses, would very much recommend her services in future.Mark HaTenant from SarawakHi Jess, I am sure that she was the one you could be trust, I was appreciated Jess helped me finding nice apartment in KLCC area, what she is wonderful is not only does she help me finding a good place but also paying attention whether the room is ok even after moving in, I really like her sense of responsibility as well as her warm heart and easy to talk with, if my friend needs an agent in KL, I would recommended Jess! Thank a lot.SaikoTenant from JapanI was looking for apartment to rent recently. Jess Ho has shown me some units of apartment at location KLCC, I have found Jess courteous and professional in all respect in concting herself as a property agent.Mr Lee KBTenant from PinangFrom the beginning, Jess has been of tremendous assistance from helping me identify apartments, organizing the paperwork for the rental, and all the way to the occasional maintenance issues. Jess has been proactive, prompt and thorough and I’m very pleased to work with her.Daniel RiveongTenant from IndonesiaDear Jess, I would like to thank you for your help on searching a Unit. I had searched with other agents before you. I met you but I found your understanding and dealing between tenant and owner was HELPFUL and TRANSPARENT that led me to decide immediately on the unit which I was looking for. Thanks again and appreciate your help.Hosam AlawaadTenant from SyriaWhen I first contacted Jess, I was really impressed by her professionalism and great effort in trying to find the most appropriate place for my roommate and me. Even though I did not sign the contract with Jess at that time because of certain disagreements with my roommate, I did send her an e-mail appreciating her effort and promising to get back to her whenever I need her assistance later. Of course, in less than 3 months, I returned to Jess and asked her to find a place for my own. Even with a very short notice, she was able to find an apartment in great shape. She was always on time and prompt in getting back to me whenever I wanted to talk to her. I greatly appreciate her professionalism, punctuality, and trustworthiness. If I visit and stay in KL again, I will definitely contact her. Thanks a lot Jess!Michelle ChaeTenant from Republic of KoreaEfficient and effective service provided, by far the best property agent I have encountered with.Mr AravinthanTenant from IndiaI came to KL for my own business in Jun 2009. When I was arrived at hotel, I had tried to call a lot of agent, Jess was only the person who got the number from internet and answered my call in mid night. We made an appointment on the next morning, she was able to shown me few unit at the same day, finally I was decided to rent the apartment for a year.I was deeply impressed of jess, she able to provided free consultation for my own business even my personal problem, I’m feel very comfortable and confident towards Jess, she was helped me as her professional way. Thank you very much, Jess.Kayoko IguraTenant from JapanJess understands your requirements, prompt and good service.Recommended!Yvonne YapTenant from SingaporeWe have worked with Ms Jess Ho for almost a year now and would love to work with her again. She has the right market knowledge and friendly attitude that makes house-hunting a much easier process.Rohan Sharma & SiddTenant from IndiaHello Jess, I am very happy with your forward and unbiased advised on the management of my property. I am glad that before I could verify certain issues, for example the sales process, you had already warned me about the consequences to my profit if I should sell off my property. This is the mark of a property professional who strives for a very long relationship rather than a one off sale where you could have just sold off my property, collected your commission and left me with a little profit.Instead you advised me to hold on to my property and keep it until the value goes up in the next 3 years. I am impressed with your advised and the fact that you had gone more than the extra mile for me shows that you are a property professional that can propel me and my property business for the future at a faster rate and build my trust in you with a relationship that goes beyond the property circle. I thank you deeply Jess.Govinder SinghOwner from SingaporeAs a foreigner who doesn't even live in Malaysia, I think the most important aspects about engaging an agent are TRUST and RELIABILITY, on top of expertise, knowledge, network, and understanding of the entire process and the local culture as they are different to that which I am accustomed to in Singapore. Certainly, Ms Jess Ho has proven to be excellent in all these aspects. She has always kept me informed as to how the development was progressing in the most comprehensive and informative way possible. I am always assured that she will get everything done smoothly and VERY FAST. I would like to say a big "Thank You" to her for the professional way in which she has dealt with my transactions. I would highly recommend Ms Ho. Handaya RusliOwner from SingaporeI joined the band wagon of financial wealth planning as most people do nowadays and ventured into my 1st condo investment early this year with the help of a realty agent, Ms X. I was convinced by this agent that the condo could be easily let out within a short span of time and she offered to help with a minimum agent fee. Ms X arranged 2 unsuccessful viewings after I signed the S&P and before the condo was finally transferred to my name. Being an anxious 1st time KL downtown property owner, “economic slowdown” was the answer after my numerous follow-up with her.Laden with much disappointment and heavy financial burden, I started looking for others realty agents for assistance after collecting the keys for my condo from Ms X. Almost all agents gave me empty promises. Luckily, I spotted JESS while I was browsing the internet for help. I called her and described my situation to her for urgent assistance. She arranged a viewing appointment for my condo the very next day. I couldn’t believe her speedy attention after experienced so much difficulties in the last few months. I was very impressed with her prompt action. Shortly after that, she called and arranged more clients to view my property. She was very diligent in arranging potential clients for me day or night.After we went through several unsuccessful attempts, she gave me some valuable tips to further improve the condition of my condo to attract tenant. I was very grateful for her honest and frank feedbacks. I did as she told me without any hesitation. I was indeed very happy when she finally managed to get my property rented out thereafter. From the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate it for her unfailing and diligent effort. I would like to take this opportunity to thank her for her assistance. Last but not least, I have no qualms in recommending her to anyone.Mrs HongOwner from MalaysiaAs an overseas investor, I look for a reliable and trustworthy partner to help me oversee and manage my property. Jess is not just my property agent but has proven herself to be a reliable business partner. She was very acti
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