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1. 關於顧客滿意度的純外文文獻


2. 中國顧客滿意度模型的相關文獻





3. 求一篇「如何提高顧客滿意度」的論文









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5. 急急如律令!!求寫畢業論文客戶滿意度分析方面的參考文獻!!要近幾年的 專著 謝謝各位大神~~

[摘要] 企業因為進入三個誤區,而把客戶滿意度與客戶忠誠度簡單地等同起來。而實際觀察的結果是,只有客戶達到完全滿意,才能保證客戶忠誠度的穩定。本文通過分析三個誤區的特點,以及深入分析客戶滿意度在不同競爭環境中的作用,對如何通過客戶滿意度管理來提高客戶忠誠度的戰略進行了剖析。
[關鍵詞] 誤區 客戶滿意度 客戶忠誠度

大部分企業是在具有豐富競爭的市場中生存,特別是一些利潤率低,靠大規模分銷獲得較高投資回報的企業,如零售企業,顧客滿意度對於客戶忠誠度的營銷指數偏高;但是,對於具有一定壟斷能力的企業,客戶滿意度在一定時期內對於客戶忠誠度的約束作用很小,因為顧客沒有多餘的選擇。壟斷的市場里,企業沒有動力去提高客戶滿意度,但是,仍然可以享受完全忠誠度帶來的巨大利益,比如電信市場。由於自由競爭的要求,壟斷受到了法律和道德上的約束,企業能夠保持壟斷的條件也越來越苛刻,面臨來自產業內同行和新興替代品的威脅只是時間問題。客戶滿意度最終仍然是決定客戶忠誠度的重要因素。Intel因為所掌握的技術而在電腦晶元市場上一直處於完全佔有率的絕對優勢位置。但是,隨著AMD等品牌晶元的出現,Intel的壟斷地位受到了極大的挑戰,同時,新加坡和歐盟也對Intel進行了反壟斷行為的調查,新加坡更是對Intel的壟斷行為進行了高達兩千多萬美元的罰款。Intel 是高科技公司,掌握的技術是鎖定客戶忠誠度的重要因素,Intel的產品口碑一直保持良好的記錄,但是,當新的競爭者出現時,Intel也開始為客戶滿意度和忠誠度感到緊張了。原先Intel享受的極高的客戶忠誠度隨著市場競爭結構的改變而面臨諸多的不確定性。
擁護者是企業開展業務的堅實基礎。擁護者的驅動力是高度的滿意感。擁護者不僅是穩定銷售額的來源,也是進行市場份額擴大的核心層,對擁護者客戶群,管理的關鍵是懂得「追加」的藝術。在現代信息技術的幫助下, 企業可以更准確把握顧客的消費行為,認清忠實消費者的身份,並對擁護者進行對應管理。例如,銀行、零售企業、航空公司、旅行社、汽車銷售公司等都可以擁有詳盡的客戶消費數據。根據消費者的忠誠度,也就是消費次數與消費量的綜合記錄,企業給與的鼓勵也相應升級,使擁護者升級為資深顧客,建立長久的關系。
經濟驅動型顧客時時刻刻都在對各種相關產品服務進行比較,尋找最物美價廉的解決方案。這部分顧客有自己的利益衡量標准,對他們很難進行標準的客戶管理。維持與經濟驅動型顧客的關系的顧客的成本甚至要高於維持忠誠顧客關系的成本投入。例如,現今的網上購物者,可以在一秒鍾內找到價格最低的合適產品,品牌和其他的服務已經不能吸引這部分顧客。因此,對待經濟驅動型顧客的管理關鍵是「聽之任之」, 主要精力放在能夠給企業帶來實質性發展的細分顧客群的滿意度管理上。

6. 急需一份關於客戶滿意度和客戶忠誠度方面的英文文獻,謝謝~

customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the customer-to-business and enterprise proct / service satisfaction. Customer satisfaction, the enterprise is a state of feeling, and feelings in such a state more likely to arouse trading activities. A commonly used statistical results are: a satisfied customer, six times in a dissatisfied customers more willing to continue to buy that proct or service enterprises.

In an increasingly competitive, customer-oriented market environment, more and more companies began chasing the upgrading of customer satisfaction. However, many companies chasing the results were not satisfactory. We found that business if it is only the pursuit of customer satisfaction and often can not solve the ultimate problem, because very often, enterprises improve customer satisfaction, does not mean that corporate profits immediately improved. Only contributions to the company "profit" is a direct customer value customers. Moreover, the value of the profits of enterprises also contribute to the high and low points. Therefore, enterprises should operate on the scarce resources to optimize the allocation and concentrate on high-value enhancing customer satisfaction at the same time, we should also look at potential high-value customers, graal increase their satisfaction. From all customer satisfaction, to the value of customer satisfaction, to the high-value customer satisfaction, the final key to the high-value customer satisfaction factors, it is enterprises to enhance the "customer satisfaction value in return," "process."

Customer loyalty

Customer loyalty from the concept of customer satisfaction leads to the concept of customer satisfaction is the result of a proct brand or company's trust, and hope to maintain a repeat of psychological tendency. Customer loyalty is actually a continuity of customer behavior, customer loyalty, customer loyalty is the corporate level. Customer loyalty for the two forms of performance, is a corporate customer loyalty in the wishes of a customer loyalty is in the behaviour of enterprises. And general enterprises tend to be confused with two forms of this fact, a fundamental difference between the two, the former is not for the businesses themselves have a direct value of the enterprises while the latter is very valuable; The reason is very simple Customers only wishes, but no action, for enterprises of no significance. Enterprises should do is, first, to promote customers from "will" to "act" conversion; Second, through cross-selling and additional marketing to further enhance customer and business transactions frequency.

Customer satisfaction does not mean that customer loyalty, customer satisfaction is a kind of psychological satisfaction, in consumption is revealed by the attitude of, but customer loyalty is a continuous transactions, is to promote the occurrence of repeat customers. Measuring customer loyalty is the key indicators of customers (CustomerRetention), which describes enterprises and maintaining customer relationships length of time; customers share (CustomerShare), namely, the budget will be spent on the company's ratio. Data show that only the customer satisfaction is not enough. When a better proct suppliers, large customers may change suppliers.

Satisfaction is measured by customer expectations and feelings, and customer loyalty reflect the purchase of future actions and purchase commitments. Customer satisfaction surveys customer purchase experience of the past views and ideas, can only reflect the past and not the future acts as a reliable forecast. Loyalty survey can predict what procts customers want most, and when to buy, how many of these could have purchased sales.

Customer satisfaction and their actual purchase behavior is not necessarily directly linked, satisfied customers may not be able to guarantee that they will always be faithful enterprises, a repeat purchase behavior. In a "worthless customer satisfaction, customer loyalty Extreme priceless" (Cus tomer Satis faction Is Worthles s, Cus tomer Loyalty Is Priceles s) of the "customer loyalty" of the best-selling book, the author debate: "Customers satisfied with the worthless, because satisfied customers still buy the procts of other enterprises. process of the transaction are satisfied with every aspect of the customer will be better because of the price of a replacement suppliers, customers and sometimes even though your procts and satisfied with the service is not absolute, you have been able to lock the customer. "

For example, many users of Microsoft procts such as the views and dissatisfaction, but if you change the use of other great procts to pay the costs, they will always adhere to the use of Microsoft procts. A recent survey found that about 25 per cent of mobile phone users to keep their phone numbers, the current contract would tolerate imperfect service providers and not to sign other telecommunications providers, but if one day they turn around at the same time be able to retain the original number, I believe that they will act immediately.
Loyalty must have access to a minimum level of customer satisfaction, in this horizon satisfaction, loyalty will be significantly decreased. However, customer satisfaction is not an important condition for customer loyalty!

Ooh, sometimes
The truth is harder than the pain inside, yeah
Ooh, sometimes
It's the broken heart that decides
At night BUT on Monday nights

7. 急!!求市場營銷中有關提高顧客滿意度的參考文獻~~


8. 跪求:客戶滿意度方面的外文文獻(急)


9. 求助一篇關於顧客滿意度的英文文獻,謝謝!

服務營銷 Service Marketing
服務質量管理 service quality management







Customer relationship management (CRM) is a multifaceted process, mediated by a set of information technologies, that focuses on creating two-way exchanges with customers so that firms have an intimate knowledge of their needs, wants, and buying patterns. In this way, CRM helps companies understand, as well as anticipate, the needs of current and potential customers.[1] Functions that support this business purpose include sales, marketing, customer service, training, professional development, performance management, human resource development, and compensation. Many CRM initiatives have failed because implementation was limited to software installation without alignment to a customer-centric strategy.

There are many aspects of CRM which were mistakenly thought to be capable of being implemented in isolation from each other. [3]

From the outside of the organization, a customer experiences the business as one entity operating over extended periods of time. Thus piecemeal CRM implementation can come across to the customer as unsynchronized where employees and web sites and services are acting independently of one another, yet together represent a common entity.

CRM is the philosophy, policy and coordinating strategy connecting different players within an organization so as to coordinate their efforts in creating an overall valuable series of experiences, procts and services for the customer.

The different players within the organization are in identifiable groups:

Customer Facing Operations - The people and the technology support of processes that affect a customer's experience at the frontline interface between the customer and the organization. This can include face to face, phone, IM, chat, email, web and combinations of all media. Self-service kiosk and web self-service are doing the job of vocals and they belong here.
Internal Collaborative Functional Operations - The people and technology support of processes at the policy and back office which ultimately affect the activities of the Customer Facing Operations concerning the building and maintaining of customer relationships. This can include IT, billing, invoicing, maintenance, planning, marketing, advertising, finance, services planning and manufacturing.
External Collaboration functions - The people and technology support of processes supporting an organization and its cultivation of customer relationships that are affected by the organization's own relationship with suppliers/vendors and retail outlets/distributors. Some would also include instry cooperative networks, e.g. lobbying groups, trade associations. This is the external network foundation which supports the internal Operations and Customer facing Operations.
Customer Advocates and Experience Designers - Creative designers of customer experience that meet customer relationship goals of delivering value to the customer and profit to the organization (or desired outcomes and achievement of goals for non-profit and government organizations)
Performance Managers and Marketing Analysts - Designers of Key Performance Indicators and collectors of metrics and data so as to execute/implement marketing campaigns, call campaigns, Web strategy and keep the customer relationship activities on track. This would be the milestones and data that allow activities to be coordinated, that determine if the CRM strategy is working in delivering ultimate outcomes of CRM activities: market share, numbers and types of customers, revenue, profitability, intellectual property concerning customers preferences.
Customer and Employee Surveyors and Analysts - Customer Relationships are both fact driven and impression driven - the quality of an interaction is as important as the information and outcome achieved, in determining whether the relationship is growing or shrinking in value to the participants.

[edit] Technology considerations
The basic building blocks:

A database for customer lifecycle (time series) information about each customer and prospect and their interactions with the organization, including order information, support information, requests, complaints, interviews and survey responses.

Customer Intelligence - Translating customer needs and profitability projection into game plans for different segments or groups of customers, captured by customer interactions (Human, automated or combinations of both) into software that tracks whether that game plan is followed or not, and whether the desired outcomes are obtained.

Business Modeling Customer Relationship Strategy, Goals and outcomes: Numbers and description of whether goals were met and models of customer segments and game plans worked as hypothesized.

Learning and Competency Management Systems - Customer Capacity and Competency Development - Training and improving processes and technology that enable the organization to get closer to achieving the desired results. Complex systems require practice in order to achieve desired outcomes, especially when humans and technology are interacting. Iteration is the key to refining, improving and innovating to stay ahead of the competition in Customer Relationship Management. (Successful tools, technology and practices will be copied by the competition as soon as they are proven successful.)

The building blocks can be implemented over time separately, but eventually need to be dynamically coordinated. The ongoing alignment of the basic building blocks distinguishes an elegant seamless CRM implementation which successfully builds mutually valuable relationships.

[edit] Types/Variations of CRM
There are several different approaches to CRM, and at present there is no one software package that allows all of these approaches to be applied. When companies consider implementing a CRM strategy, they usually talk about either Campaign Management or Sales Force Automation. Although CRM is much more than either of those parts, software packages are usually based around one or the other idea (with SFA being the most popular).

Operational CRM
Operational CRM provides support to "front office" business processes, including sales, marketing and service. Each interaction with a customer is generally added to a customer's contact history, and staff can retrieve information on customers from the database when necessary.

One of the main benefits of this contact history is that customers can interact with different people or different contact channels in a company over time without having to describe the history of their interaction each time.

Consequently, many call centers use some kind of CRM software to support their call center agents.

Operational CRM processes customer data for a variety of purposes:

Managing Campaigns
Enterprise Marketing Automation
Sales Force Automation

Sales Force Automation (SFA)
Sales Force Automation is a type of Operational CRM that is designed to automate sales-force-related activities, such as lead tracking. Software procts perform such tasks as:

Keeping lists of leads
Assigning list segments to salespeople
Allowing list contacts to be called or e-mailed
Tracking responses
Generating reports

Analytical CRM
Analytical CRM analyzes customer data for a variety of purposes:

Design and execution of targeted marketing campaigns to optimize marketing effectiveness
Design and execution of specific customer campaigns, including customer acquisition, cross-selling, up-selling, retention
Analysis of customer behavior to aid proct and service decision making (e.g. pricing, new proct development etc.)
Management decisions, e.g. financial forecasting and customer profitability analysis
Prediction of the probability of customer defection (churn analysis)
Analytical CRM generally makes heavy use of data mining.

Sales Intelligence CRM
Sales Intelligence CRM is very similar to Analytical CRM, but it is intended as a more direct sales tool. Features include the delivery of "alerts" to sales people based on analysis of such factors as:

Cross-sell/Up-sell/Switch-sell opportunities.
Customer Drift.
Sales performance, good and bad.
Customer trends
Customer margins

Campaign Management
Campaign management software is marketing-oriented CRM software that combines elements of Operational and Analytical CRM and allows campaigns to be run on an existing client base. Campaign Management is used when you need to create personalized offers when it is prohibitively expensive to personally contact each client. Campaign management software functions include:

Choosing campaign recipients from the client base according to selected criteria
Development of a campaign offer (this is often done "out-of-the-system" and is not automated)
Assigning specific campaign offers to selected recipients
Automatically sending offers to the selected clients via selected channels (either directly, via channels such as e-mail, or indirectly, by creating lists for use in channels such as direct mail)
Gathering, storing, and analyzing campaign results (including tracking responses and analyzing propensities)

Collaborative CRM
The function of the Customer Interaction System or Collaborative Customer Relationship Management is to coordinate the multi-channel service and support given to the customer by providing the infrastructure for responsive and effective support to customer issues, questions, complaints, etc.

Collaborative CRM aims to get various departments within a business, such as sales, technical support and marketing, to share the useful information that they collect from interactions with customers. Feedback from a technical support center, for example, could be used to inform marketing staffers about specific services and features requested by customers. Collaborative CRM's ultimate goal is to use information collected from all departments to improve the quality of customer service.[4]

Geographic CRM
Geographic CRM (GCRM) is a customer relation management information system which collaborates geographic information system and traditional CRM.

gCRM combines data collected from route of movement, types of residence, ambient trading areas and other customer and marketing information which are matched with relevant road conditions, building formations, and a floating population. Such data are conformed with a map and is regionally analyzed with OLAP(On-Line Analytical Processing) for visualization. This enables a company to examine potential customers and manage existing customers in the region.

Several commercial CRM software packages are available which vary in their approach to CRM. However, as mentioned above, CRM is not just a technology but rather a comprehensive customer-centric approach to an organization's philosophy in dealing with its customers. This includes policies and processes, front-of-house customer service, employee training, marketing, systems and information management. Hence, it is important that any CRM implementation considerations stretch beyond technology, towards the broader organizational requirements.

The objectives of a CRM strategy must consider a company』s specific situation and its customers' needs and expectations. Information gained through CRM initiatives can support the development of marketing strategy by developing the organization's knowledge in areas such as identifying customer segments, improving customer retention, improving proct offerings (by better understanding customer needs), and by identifying the organization's most profitable customers.[5]

CRM strategies can vary in size, complexity and scope. Some companies consider a CRM strategy to only focus on the management of a team of salespeople. However, other CRM strategies can cover customer interaction across the entire organization. Many commercial CRM software packages that are available provide features that serve sales, marketing, event management, project management and finance.

While there are numerous reports of "failed" implementations of various types of CRM projects,[6] these are often the result of unrealistic high expectations and exaggerated claims by CRM vendors.

Many of these "failures" are also related to data quality and availability. Data cleaning is a major issue. If the company CRM strategy is to track life-cycle revenues, costs, margins and interactions between indivial customers, this must be reflected in all business processes. Data must be extracted from multiple sources (e.g., departmental/divisional databases, including sales, manufacturing, supply chain, logistics, finance, service, etc.), requiring an integrated, comprehensive business processing system to be in place with defined structures and data quality. If not, interfaces must be developed and implemented to extract data from different systems. This creates a demand far beyond customer satisfaction to understand the full business-to-business relationship. For this reason, CRM is more than a sales or customer interaction system.

The experience from many companies[who?] is that a clear CRM requirement with regard to reports (e.g., input and output requirements) is of vital importance before starting any implementation.[citation needed] With a proper demand specification, a great deal of time and money can be saved based on realistic expectations of systems capability.[citation needed] A well operating CRM system can be an extremely powerful tool for management and customer strategies.

Privacy and data security
One of the primary functions of CRM software is to collect information about customers. When gathering data as part of a CRM solution, a company must consider customer privacy and data security with respect to legal and cultural environments. Some customers prefer assurance that their data is not shared with third parties without their consent and that it cannot be illicitly accessed by third parties.



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