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㈠ 房地產公司用英語怎麼說

real estate = 地 和 建築物 和 地上其它的東西.
real estate company = 房地產公司.

也可以用: realtor (房地產公司). 這個好一點.

㈡ 房地產開發公司簡介 譯成英文

The company is an investment from Shanghai to take the lead in the formation of the open enterprise, the company has been "harbor Zhiyuan, Houdezaiwu" mentality demands on themselves and return to society, "Creating Miles Brand, the creation century-old store" is the million Chang endless stream of corporate goals, honest, pragmatic, self-confidence, is the maximization of corporate culture an important concept, the company "Kite" theory as a guide, goal-oriented management, and works to create magnet core competitiveness. Company has successfully developed WAN Chang River Park, WAN Chang Nanhu Lake View Gardens, and many other high-end real estate, highly recognized by the community, and establish a good image, in a considerable peer and social influence, is under development "on the beach WAN Chang Garden "high-quality projects, and the continuous growth and expansion. Is the need for business development, responsible salary Employment, dedication and aspiring elite to join our team, the company will provide generous salaries, benefits and the vast space arena and let people with lofty ideals of self-display, free When.

㈢ 房地產開發有限公司用英語怎麼說

Real Estate Development Corporation Limited.
Dalian Peng Sheng Real Estate Development Corporation Limited.
Dalian Hawk Rising Real Estate Development Corporation Limited.

㈣ 「房地產 有限公司」用英語怎麼說謝謝

"Real Estate Company Limited"

㈤ 房地產開發有限公司英文怎麼翻譯

Lianyungang Jiulong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd

㈥ 房地產英語

房地抄產襲: Real Estate
業主: proprietor
開發商: developer
公攤面積: pool area

㈦ 房地產公司 簡介是中英結合的

Unit One

1. property management 物業管理
2. close friend 密友
3. hit subject 熱門話題
4. trade 行業
5. commercial building 商業大廈
6. residential building 住宅
7. sports and recreation centre 康樂中心
8. first-class hotel 一流賓館
9. first-class ticket 頭等票
10. efficient 高效的
11. bonds and stocks 債券和股票
12. personal property 動產
13. multi-functional facility 多功能設施
14. cash 現金
15. term 術語;話
16. shopping center 購物中心

Unit Two

1. hotel lobby 賓館大廳
2. check in 登記入住
3. check out 退房;結賬
4. standard room 標准房
5. superior room 高級房
6. deluxe room 豪華房
7. registration card 登記卡
8. credit card 信用卡
9. receipt 收據
10. luggage 行李
11. starred hotels 星級酒店
12. business scope 業務范圍
13. real estate agency 房地產代理
14. commercial trade 商業貿易
15. management personnel 管理人才
16. top 16 十六強
17. image 形象
18. customer priority 顧客第一

Unit Three

1. advanced 先進的;高級的
2. skyscraper 摩天大樓
3. water supply 供水
4. power supply 供電
5. lighting 照明
6. air-conditioning 空調
7. elevator(lift) 電梯
8. escalator 自動扶梯
9. cleaning facilities 清潔設施
10. recreational facilities 娛樂設施
11. transport facility 運輸設施
12. fire-fighting equipment 消防設施
13. communication facility 通信設施
14. outline 列舉
15. tip 建議;提示
16. security 安全
17. blackmail 訛詐
18. kidnap 綁架
19. community 社區
20. bus line 公共汽車線路
21. cheque 支票
22. neighborhood 鄰里

Unit Four

1. residential estate 住宅小區
2. carpark 停車場
3. covered stadium 室內體育館
4. body-building 健身
5. private houses 私人住房
6. water tower 水塔
7. gas company 煤氣公司
8. swimming pool 游泳池
9. badminton field 羽毛球場
10. public utilities/services 公用設施
11. design 設計
12. construction 建造
13. earlier involvement 前期參與
14. smooth operation 正常運轉
15. resident 居民
16. operating charges 管理經費
17. funds 資金
18. benefit 好處
19. housekeeper 管家
20. measure 衡量

Unit Five

1. procere 手續
2. (in)convenience (不)方便
3. superintendent 保安
4. management office 管理處
5. expert 專家
6. (microwave) cooker (微波)爐
7. handle proceres 辦手續
8. handbook 手冊
9. client 客戶
10. electrical appliances (家用)電器
11. counsel 咨詢
12. maintenance 維修

Unit Six

1. clerk 職員
2. deadline 最後期限
3. rent an apartment 租房子
4. accommodation 住宿
5. sign an agreement 簽合同
6. fix rates 定價
7. stipulation/regulation 規定
8. factor 因素
9. notice 通知
10. accounting office 會計處
11. deadline 最後期限
12. sign a contract 簽合同
13. sign an agreement 簽協議
14. lease 租約
15. end a lease 終止租約
16. renew a lease 續約
17. provisions 條款
18. redecoration 重新裝修
19. hidden charges 隱藏收費
20. advisable 明智的

Unit Seven

1. handle a complaint 處理投訴
2. tenant 租戶
3. famous brand 名牌
4. faucet 水龍頭
5. leak 漏(水/氣)
6. repairman 修理工
7. competitor 競爭對手
8. regular customer 常客;回頭客

Unit Eight

1. section 部,區
2. supermarket 超市
3. sales clerk 售貨員
4. recommend 推薦
5. purchase 購買
6. discount 折扣
7. fixed price 定價
8. on the installment plan 分期付款
9. down payment 定金
10. spread out es 分攤費用
11. pack 裝(進袋/盒子)
12. shopping car 購物推車
13. checkout counter 結賬處
14. total cost 總費用

Unit Nine

1. ball room 舞廳
2. tennis court 網球場
3. snooker 撞球
4. sauna room 桑拿室
5. massage room 按摩室
6. golf course 高爾夫球場
7. vacancy 空缺
8. physical ecation 體育

Unit Twelve
1. owners』 committee 業主委員會

㈧ 英語翻譯 是個房地產開發商名字 是一個房地產開發商起的樓盤名稱。

Guangan Men

㈨ 各位英語達人請問 房地產開發商 的英文怎麼說

real estate developer

㈩ 房地產開發商英文怎麼說啊

real eatate development



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